# JS Bridge protocol

The native ablility that wallet offered to DAPP

  • cancel back recovery two apis

# import via npm

# All API function description

function name parameters description
balances callback:Function return balance of current account
sign data:Object,callback:Function sign data in JSON format
pay data:Object,callback:Function payment, return hash value result
pathPayment data:Object,callback:Function pathpayment, return hash value result
trust code:String,issuer:String,callback:Function trust asset, return result
signXDR data:String,callback:Function sign XDR
scan callback:Function open qr code scan page
share options:Object,callback:Function share
openDApp appid:String open DAPP
initWindow options:Object initialize current window

# Interface description

 * Interface root object
window.FFW = {

   * current wallet version number(added in v2.1.0)
   * current wallet OS, iOS or android(added in v2.1.0)
  platform: 'ios',

   * attribute, String
   * public key address for current logged in account
   * attribute, Array
   * Contacts info
   * canceled since 2.4
  contacts: [],

   * attribute, String
   * Address book
   * canceled since 2.4
  myaddresses: [],
  * UUID encrypted
  uuid = 'UUID encrypted',

  * locale of current wallet
  locale = 'zh_cn';

   * acquire balance
   * @param callback: function type, expecting parameter response
   * {
   *   code: 'success or fail', 
   *   message: 'notification or error', 
   *   data: Array, data from balances attribute of account, check https://www.stellar.org/developers/horizon/reference/endpoints/accounts-single.html
   * }

   * payment method
   * @param {Object} data parameter
   *  data: {
   *    destination: 'reciever stellar address', 
   *    code: 'asset code', 
   *    issuer: 'asset issuer', 
   *    amount: 'amount, number', 
   *    memo_type: 'memo type, could be: NONE TEXT HASH ID RETURN', 
   *    memo: 'memo content'
   *  }
   * @param {string,function} callback function
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message',
   *            data:'result returned, object or null'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   FFW.pay({
   *      code: 'XFF', 
   *      amount: 100, 
   *      memo_type: 'TEXT', 
   *      memo: 'Hello,FFW'
   *    }, function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('pay success')
   *        }
   *    })
  pay(data, callback){
    // code

   * pathpament method
   * @param {Object} data parameter
   *  data: {
   *    destination: 'reciever stellar address', 
   *    code: 'asset code', 
   *    issuer: 'asset issuer', 
   *    amount: 'amount, number', 
   *    memo_type: 'memo type, could be: NONE TEXT HASH ID RETURN', 
   *    memo: 'memo content'
   *  }
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message',
   *            data:'result returned, object or null'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   FFW.pathPayment({
   *      code: 'XFF', 
   *      amount: 100, 
   *      memo_type: 'TEXT', 
   *      memo: 'Hello,FFW'
   *    }, function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('success')
   *        }
   *    })
  pathPayment(data, callback){

   * sign data to make backend application have confident that the operator has appropriate access to the account
   * @param {String} data to sign, JSON, then convert to String, which needs to keep order, otherwise verification will fail.
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message',
   *            data:'data returned, string, encoded in base64'
   *          }
   *    Example:
   *    let data = {name: 'firefly wallet dapp'}
   *    data = JSON.stringify(data)
   *    FFW.sign(data, function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('do success')
   *          console.log('The result after signing {name: "firefly wallet dapp"} :'+response.data)
   *        }
   *    })
  sign(data, callback){

   * sign xdr for transaction
   * @param {string} data, xdr generated for transaction
   * @param {String} message
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message',
   *            data:'data returned, string, result xdr after signing it'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   FFW.signXDR(xdr, function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('do success')
   *          console.log('XDR result after signing XDR :'+response.data)
   *        }
   *    })
  signXDR(data, message, callback){
    // code
   * canceled since 2.4
   * backup data, including contacts and address book
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message',
   *            data:'data returned, string, encrypted'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   FFW.backup(function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('do success')
   *          console.log('Backup data encrypted:'+response.data)
   *        }
   *    })

   * canceled since 2.4
   * recovery data, from data encrypted by backup function, overwrite to current wallet
   * @param {string} data 
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message'
   *          }
   * Example
   *   //notice, here is the backup data
   *   FFW.recovery(data,function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('do success')
   *        }
   *    })
  recovery(data, callback){
   * Trust asset
   * @param {string} code
   * @param {string} issuer 
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   let code = 'XFF';
   *   FFW.trust(code,issuer,function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('do success')
   *        }
   *    })
  trust(code, issuer, callback){

  * Scan QR code to get result scanned.
  * Example:
  *   FFW.scan(function(response){
  *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
  *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
  *        }else{
  *          console.log('scan result:' + response.data)//response.data is the scanning result, string
  *        }
  *    })
   // code

   * Share, implementation detail: https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-PluginShare
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {string或function} callback
   *      callback expects an object
   *        {
   *            code:'fail or success',
   *            message:'notification message'
   *          }
   * Example:
   *   let options = {
   *      message: 'Share picture',
   *      files: ['......K5CYII='], //remote picture url or data in base64 format
   *     };
   *   FFW.share(options,function(response){
   *        if(response.code === 'fail'){
   *          console.log('error:' + response.message)  
   *        }else{
   *          console.log('share success')
   *        }
   *    })

   * Open DAPP
   * @param {String} dappid of DAPP


   * Initialize window
   * @param {Object} config
   * Example:
   * {
   *   "navigationBarBackgroundColor":"#ffffff", //String, background color of navigation bar
   *   "navigationBarTextStyle":"black or white" //String, text color of navigation bar, black or white
   *    "navigationBarTitleText":""//String, title text of navigation bar
   *    "themeStyle":""//String, theme, dark or white
   *    "navigationStyle":"" //String, Style of navigation bar, only support: default, custom, only reserve capsule button at upper right corner
   * }
   * @param {Function} callback 
  initWindow(config, callback){


# Ethereum DApps

Firefly wallet v3.x currently support Ethereum and Stellar DApps.

Firefly wallet DApp browser has the compatibility of Metamask, your DApp should naturally work with Firefly wallet if it is compatible with Metamask as well.

The interaction between Firefly wallet DApp browser and DApp is base on EIP1102. DApp must implement EIP1102 to get user account and send transaction.

You can also check the related documentation of metamask

Last Updated: 12/27/2019, 5:18:29 PM